Monday, June 25, 2007


I just wanted to give a big congrats to my hubby, Chris! He got accepted to St. Leo University. He just registered for classes and they start at the end of August. He has been wanting to go back to school for a long, long time and life just kept getting in the way. Between his sister's death 4 years ago and his 4 hip surgeries since then he has been through a lot and has not been in the "school frame of mind". I feel like he is ready now more than ever and know that he will be successful this time. He already has his AA, so really he should only have about 2 years left for his Bachelors. He will be majoring in Business Admin. and will be doing everything online. I am just so excited for him. Keep him in your prayers that he makes this transition smoothly. This will be a big change for him but I know he can do it. Well, that's it for now.

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